Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ever wonder why Google is doing well in the Ads compared to Yahoo?

What it the difference between Yahoo and Google Ads?

I have been using Yahoo mail for a long time, but would have hardly noticed the AD banner on the side. My brain is tuned enough not to look at them and its become part of my sub-consciousness.

Recently after Microsoft announced intentions about Yahoo, I started looking for alternative email services as I am not interested in using anything Microsoft does as it is always behind the curve in using the latest technology or tools or charge me heftily for bells and whistles. So started using Google’s mail more than ever and it has replaced Yahoo mail. It has become my primary email outside of my work and I have tried hard not to have any affinity with any email services.

When I started using Gmail account extensively, I didn’t see graphical Ads. There is no graphical Ads on the side, but neatly laid out text ad which nicely blends with the email layout. So my brain gets tricked to looking at them so not to miss any contents of the email. By the time I have read 4 to 5 emails, I have looked at the Ads once or twice. This act of me looking into Ads is extreme compared to my views of ads Yahoo where the hit ratio was near nil.

Should I have a web site or web related business, I definitely know hot to place the ads and what format. Big thanks to Google.

Don’t resign to the fact that Google is going to dominate this space or keep the revenues growing… Want to know why Google is mortal, read further.

I recently moved to a Windows based mobile phone which has nice IMAP/POP email client, which is very helpful in monitoring emails at different websites without having to visit the website. Having started using the, I hardly go the Gmail website unless I have to open documents, or have to type a new lengthy email, or respond to email, which can be several sentences long. This facility of checking emails is still clutter free of Ads, so I don’t have a chance to view any Ads.

With the advent of mobile devices, click ratio is going to fall for ads unless they find a good way to place ads in the mobile space. With any banner or ad in mobile space shrinks the space available for viewing on the screen, which will be a real challenge to be non-intrusive.


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